Selasa, 26 Mei 2015


A.      Capitalization

Capitalization is the usage of uppercase or capital letter in writing. The main function of capitals is to focus attention on particular elements within any group of people, places, or things.  It is used when:
1.       At the begining of a sentence (sentence case). It is when the first letter in a sentence is in uppercase letter and the other is in lowercase letter exept for the proper nouns (pronoun). In normal sentence case my be substituted by UPPER CASE (all letters are capitalized), and Title Case (only the first letter of each words is capitalized). Capitals are ususally not used after a colon.


A.      Punctuation
Punctuation is the usage of marks in phrase, sentence or text. Punctuation marks is used to organize writing to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. There are many kinds of marks in punctuation for different functions.

the meaning behind IU's song, You and I

You and I –IU

Hi there my dear readers.. :D
I had been desperate to make an article about songs lately, and now the song that I will observe is one of the song from a cute  korean singer, IU. I really like this song, the music, the melody.. oh well, I like all IU’s songs actually.. =))
So, for the start, today I will explain about one of IU’s songs, You and I. For you who never heard this song will think that I must be one of those girl who is falling in love, right? But really, don’t ever judge a book by its cover, or in this case a song by its title.
Anyway, yes.. this song is about romance. Yes, this song is about a girl with a boy. Yes, it’s about love. But not the fluffy one. Honestly, at first I kinda got fooled by the song. I thought since the title is “You and I” then it must be a song about a typical love song that all happy and fluffy, sweets. A story about meetings and dates and married... especially when I heard the song from my friend’s MP3.
But then, my curiousity is getting on me when I watch the video accidently on my TV. It has dance, sure it is. But the scenario just different from what I thought. So I’m searching for the Lyrics in English Version and made a conclusion that my thought about this song is totally wrong THIS WHOLE TIME! Here is my analysis on the lyric that I got by the way:

Quidditch LIVE

Siapa yang tidak tahu olahraga Quidditch. Hampir seluruh khalayak mengenal olah raga fiktif ini terutama para potterhead, sebutan bagi para fans serial fiktif Harry Potter. Olahraga ini merupakan salah satu olahraga yang ditampilkan dalam film harry potter. Di dalam film itu Quidditch merupakan olahraga yang paling bergengsi, dibuktikan bahwa olahraga ini hampir muncul ditiap serial film harry potter. Bahkan pada serial “Harry Potter and the goblet of fire”, the golden trio (harry, ron dan hermionie) nampak menghadiri perkemahan piala dunia Quidditch bersama keluarga weasley. Pada serial ini nampaklah bahwa olahraga ini merupakan olahraga yang bergengsi dalam novel buatan JK. Rowling ini, setara dengan olahraga bola.

parts of speech on grammar

1.     1.   Noun
Noun adalah suatu kata yang digunakan untuk menamai orang, benda, hewan, tempat, dan konsep abstrak. Kata benda bahasa inggris ini merupakan satu dari delapan part of speech.
Selain berbentuk sederhana yaitu hanya terdiri dari satu kata, kata benda bisa juga berbentuk frasa: noun phrase (my bag, a letter put in my bag). Noun phrase merupakan frasa kombinasi antara noun (sebagai ini) dengan modifier.

Shady Dark Memorials English Version

Shady Dark Memorials
From moonlight rose short stories book
Writer: Aulia Larasati
Translated to English by: Aulia Larasati

“Mavios!” a hoarse shout crocked the silence on the walls of an old castle. In a blink of an eye, a tall man with green hair stood at the side of the person who just shouted. “ Mavios, ready to serve sir.” the man said with soft voice while bent down to his master respectly. The man who called him sat on a throne, looking upon the night sky through out glassy ceiling above. “Look at the moon!” ordered the master. The green hair man glanced upon the moon at the top of them for a moment. “I can see it, sir. Soon, the moon will reach its full darkness. I presume, it will occure in three more days.” Said Mavios while looked at his master.

Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

The Werewolf Game [PART 2]

7th Heaven

Desclimer: the game and the game ‘s setup isn’t mine. I only own the story idea and the Ocs except for the 7th heaven members because it owned by my friends. It’s just feels wrong if i use others names as the member of 7th heaven group, just deal with it and i know they like the idea : ))))
Hi guys, so.. this is the second chapter and i’m sorry that it took me awhile to post this chapter. i’m still in school so i know you know why.
I know.. i know.. this story is so slow, but i really mean to make it as perfect and epic as the true game suppose to be when i played it. Anyway, please enjoy this chapter. ow, and this chapter is very special for my family, 7th heaven members (:

Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

The Tale of Gubrak, Gubruk, Man and Girl

This is a story about a little weird family. The tragedy began in the night when the young merried couple was having their first twin sons who just born.

your not oh so perfect girlfriend

lol. please don't judge. this is suppose to be a class drama project. so i make it just a simple story. but please feel free to read it :D

Elisa walk slowly at school hall, someone purposely crash her, and she fall on her butt.

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

The Werewolf Game [PART 1]

=3rd POV=

A  teenage boy woke up from his sleep. He walked to the kitchen in his small apartement with a cellphone in his hand. While waiting for his phone loading in facebook apps, he made his self breakfast. Sitting on couch while mounching his breakfast, he scrolled his phone and checking his messages. Or should we said, a group chat. Baddies base camp, the title for the chat: